exercise :a sketch book walk and looking at Ugo Rondinone

Another artist involved in the intricate depiction of nature but in a completely different manner to Ryoko Aoki. Discovered in the book Drawing Now “Edited by Downs, Marshall,Sawdon,Selby and Tormey  “Drawing Now Between the Lines of Contemporary Art” published by I.B. Tauris ) Ugo Ronidone’s ink on paper drawings in black and white are detailed experiments in depiction through contrasting white and black. The overall impression is intricate but the page is full of monochrome activity with blocks of black of varying sizes, some hatched tone and a few speckles but totally contrasting with the drawings of Ryoko Aoki. He is of Sswiss extract and lives in New York. The pictures have German titles which try as I may I can not understand.I am unsure if he may have used some form of resist in sketching these pictures.

Ugo Rondinone:


On line image: ref:http://db-artmag.de/archiv/03/e/aktuell-neorauch.html (sourced June 2013)

My drawing -turning through 90 degrees –The willow and the comfrey.

the willow and the comfrey

Concentrating entirely on black ink and pen drawing the dark shadows (negative space) rather than outlines of leaves.Using a variety of marks and reducing pressure and ink tone for the background, this picture has a dramatic feel by virtue of its tonal contrasts. It is much more focused than the wider woodland drawings of Ugo Rondinone but very enjoyable to draw. I wondered if redrawing using wax resist may produce a finer and more dappled impression as in Ugo’s woodland.

the little willow

I don’t like the yellow sunlight patches which were done in wax crayon and having chosen green ink detracts from the drama of the intense black and white image. I do however like th confusion of line and block.

Both these images are obviously much more focused than the larger image incorporated in Rondinone’s forest, but I think they work quite well.